About me

Hi! I am a Postdoc at Eindhoven University of Technology working on atomistic and device modeling and simulations to develop novel phase-change materials based electronics as part of the EU-funded PHASTRAC project. Prior to this I was an Early Career Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology – Gandhinagar, India. I completed my Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2022. Through a Dual Degree program, I received my M.Sc. (Physics) and B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from BITS Pilani, India, in 2018.

My expertise lies in modeling, simulations, and various characterization and data analysis techniques. I like to use these tools to research and solve different mathematical, scientific, and engineering problems that are often multi-disciplinary.

The Research page on this site contains summaries of some of my selected research work. You may find details of my conference talks and seminars on the Talks page. I have also shared highlights of my select peer-reviewed Publications, the Awards and recognitions that I received, some of my Teaching activities, and my current Contact details on this website.

I love to keep learning new concepts and implementing new ideas in codes. I share some of the codes from my projects every now and then on my GitHub.